I don't normally post personal events but I thought this instance was worthy. After all the time and effort that went into producing a dozen Proton remote camera interfaces it was finally time to ship them out so I wanted to verify that Prof. Kenneth Lanzetta had returned to his university after the new year as these units would need to be signed for upon receiving and he asked me to send them to a different location as he would not be available when they arrived. The address he gave me to ship them to surprised me as it was the American Museum of Natural History in care of a Dr. Michael Shara whom I had seen his name as a another involved party regarding the Condor project in the CC's of our e-mails regarding the Proton's but never bothered to ask who he was so at this point I had to type his name into Google and was pleasantly surprised when reading his credentials. This link is a must read: Hint: "He frequently observes with the Hubble Space Telescope and other large ground-based telescopes. " https://www.amnh.org/research/staff-directory/michael-shara
Octopi Atomic series
These 12 units are the Proton model custom fitted for the 2 of the Condor array telescopes. A Condor arrays consist of six TEC 180mm F7 telescopes in tandem on a single mount and they have ASI 461 cameras mounted to ASI 50mm square filter wheels. The Proton model is the manually adjusted back focus model of the Atomic series independent axis camera interfaces. This photo is missing the electronics packages so they have wiring dangling currently but that will be corrected when installed.